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Something different than what I usually do, and what a fun this was! :D (Big Grin) 
This surrealism, tattoo-like optic is something I almost never do, but it was really good not have try
to draw as realistically as possible for once, and just creating a nice mood.

The Yin and Yang theme offers itself so perfectly for my babies, that it surprise me a little that I didn't think of it earlier.
But well, now it's done, and I couldn't be happier with the result! Heart 

And admittedly, perfect balance is not exactly what comes to my mind, when I think of the relationship between Killian and Fenya. xD
But in a certain way, they complement each other anyway, and the constant mental and physical struggle,
ultimately forms a working harmony of different, and strong feelings, which keeps them together! Stare Hug 

Acrylics, Gouache and Colored Pencils on A4 Bristol Paper.

Here're some other drawings of my characters Fenya and Killian: La la la la 

Beware of Killian by Saoirsa Calling the Rain by Saoirsa Our Prey is waiting by Saoirsa Deliberations by Saoirsa Autumnal Heat by Saoirsa Don't fear the bad Wolf by Saoirsa

I hope you will like it! Heart 

Killian, Fenya © :iconsaoirsa:
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1652x2324px 1.61 MB
© 2017 - 2024 Saoirsa
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lorddurion's avatar
Sometimes I wished of being a black wolf